Frequently Asked Questions

Why speed countless hours researching/booking when someone else can do it at no extra charge? Your very own travel advisor can save you money based on their supplier relationships while also saving you time and effort. With any product 4-star and above, booking through an agency that can get you the best deals with extra perks and benefits is always best.

No. There is no cost to the client for our services. Nor are the prices higher because of our commissions. When booking your own travel, you don't really know what you are getting until you arrive. We have carefully selected our accommodation providers to make sure you get the most value for your money.

New Zealand is a safe country to visit. However, theft of tourist belongings can be a relatively common occurrence. Most theft happens from break-ins of parked vehicles. If you are parking your vehicle (especially in a remote area), hide your important belongings such as cash and travel documents. As for dangerous creatures, New Zealand has NO snakes, ticks, scorpions, poisonous spiders, lions, tigers, bears or anything else considered scary. The one thing you really do want to be careful about is the weather, which can change very quickly. Always be prepared when venturing out into the wilderness away from shelter.

Air tickets booked by Travel New Zealand will be Business, First Class or Private. If you want to fly economy or premium economy, we are happy to assist with choosing options, but it’s usually cheaper to book economy tickets yourself.

It is a lot quicker to get to New Zealand than you might think. With direct flights from Los Angeles, San Francisco, Dallas, Houston, Chicago and New York, your direct flight will take between 12-17 hours. Most flights depart in the evening, so jump on, have dinner, watch a movie, sleep, have breakfast, and arrive just in time for brunch.

The recommended trip length is 14-21 days, but ask most people who visit and they will simply answer "more". New Zealand may look small but it is packed with a large variety of scenery and activities. Our suggested itineraries are designed to give you the best experience possible for your time frame without feeling rushed.

It depends on how comfortably you like to travel. New Zealand is an island nation separated from the rest of the world, so a lot of our products need to be imported which does raise the price. Depending on which country you are from, you may well have an excellent exchange rate so the price difference may work out favorably.

No one wants to be stuck in a car all day while on vacation, so we design our itineraries to have you driving from 1 - 4 hrs a day when changing locations.

New Zealand drives on the left side of the road. But don't let this deter you, it's easier than you think. New Zealand's diverse terrain means roads are often narrow, hilly and windy. Outside of the main cities, there are very few motorways. Most of our roads are single lanes in each direction without barriers in between. You may also encounter gravel roads.

You can legally drive in New Zealand for 12 months if you have either a current full driver’s licence from your home country, or an International Driving Permit. You must carry your licence or permit at all times when driving, and you are only able to drive the same types of vehicles you are licensed to drive in your home country.

Visitors from visa-waiver countries must request an Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) prior to coming to New Zealand. Click on this link to see if your passport qualifies for an NZeTA. You may also have to pay an International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy (IVL). For more information on the NZeTA and IVL, visit Immigration New Zealand.

New Zealand is home to a temperate climate with high sunshine hours and moderate rainfall. And because it sits upside down on the globe, the seasons are opposite of the Northern Hemisphere. Much of the country lies near the coast, which means mild temperatures. The average temperature decreases as you travel south; January and February are the warmest months with July being the coldest month of the year.

New Zealand is very popular, therefore, we recommend booking at least 6-8 months in advance, although we can book up to a few weeks before your departure date. Our peak season runs from December through to March. During this period, it is strongly recommended that you book any tours, events, accommodation and transport well ahead of time to ensure availability. Outside of these months there is less urgency to book in advance, except in ski resort towns such as Queenstown and Wanaka.

New Zealand's peak season is during its summer months (December, January, February, March), during which prices are higher. Flights are more expensive around the Christmas/New year period. New Zealand is beautiful all year round though, with each season providing different landscapes and opportunities.

Please click on the Terms and Conditions link at the bottom of the page for our cancellation policy.

If you have your own route and sites in mind we would be more than happy to book your accommodation, rental car, transfers and activities on your behalf. Doing this will also give you full in-country support from our NZ based team when you arrive.

Anyone! We cater to all Travelers and Adventure-lovers from any country, including the U.S., Australia, Canada, Japan, India and European countries.

While you're never required to buy travel insurance, it's a good idea for more expensive trips. The last thing you want to see is thousands of dollars in non-refundable purchases evaporate because of an unforeseen event.